
Frequently Asked Questions answered for you. If you have any further question, please get in touch info@typedepartment.com

I want to become a seller

Head to our Submissions page to find out more, we would love to review your work!

Refunds & Returns

All purchases of digital downloadable products on our site are final and non-refundable unless you can solidly prove that there are technical issues stopping you from using the font software, mockup file or graphic pack. We will try and resolve this issue within 14 days, if no solution can be found, a full refund will be provided.

Are there any recurring costs?

No. All of the standard licensing types offered on this website are one-time fees.

How do I access my downloads?

Once you have completed the payment, you’ll be taken to the final stage of the checkout, where your downloads will automatically appear on the screen. If you miss this step, don’t panic, because your downloads will also have been sent directly to the email you provided at the checkout.

Whose information should I enter at the checkout? Mine or the clients?

You’ll be asked to provide the billing information of the person paying for the order at the checkout. It’s OK if you are purchasing on behalf of a client and need to enter your own billing information as you would have selected this licensee option on the product pages of the products that you’ve ordered, and this information will therefore show up on the VAT invoice for the order. 

Do you provide a tax invoice with my purchase?

Yes, we do. It’s automatically generated and sent to the email that you’ve provided once you’ve completed the sale. 

How do I claim the 30% student discount?

Email us with your student ID and we’ll send you a code. Your student ID needs to be in date in order for you to claim.

Font / Graphic Pack Licenses

I’m an individual (not part of a company or freelancer), what font license should I buy?

Our individual license has got you covered. Our individual licenses allows you to create unlimited personal projects, 1x commercial project per license and share with up to 3x users. This license is perfect if you are working collaboratively on a personal or your own commercial project.

I am a freelancer, what font license should I choose, the individual or the business license?

The major difference between the individual, and the business license is the third party rights. If you are a freelancer, and are doing a job for a client, the individual license cannot be transferred and the client that you work for will therefore be in breach of license if they use it. This is why one of the business licenses applies here, so that both you AND the client can use the product without breaching our licensing terms.

I’m a freelancer who is purchasing a font for a client job. What license should I buy?

You’ll need to choose one of the business licenses that reflects the size of the client, and then select the specific coverage that the client requires such as Desktop and Broadcasting.

If a font is updated, will I have access to it in the future?

Yes. If a seller has added a series of characters for example or updated the kerning, we’ll re-upload the font(s) to the store and if you’ve purchased this particular font(s), you’ll get an email with a link to quickly download the new version. Make sure you remove the current one you have before trying to install the new version.

Mockup Licenses

The portfolio and commercial license confuses me, can you help?

Absolutely! The portfolio license is for presenting past or current personal and commercial projects. Perhaps you have an unchosen direction that never got chosen by a client, but you want to show what would have looked like to attract other clients. Or perhaps you’ve handed a project over, and want to make a case study out of it, the portfolio license will cover you for this.
Whereas the commercial license covers you all stages of a client job including proposals, presentations and final case studies (all in one), as well as granting you the right to market and sell products.

Who do I contact if I need help?

If you’ve read our licensing page, and still are not able to find the answer to your question on this page either, then please contact typedepartment@type-01.com.